
... are a team of mutants – humans who are born with a genetic trait called the X–gene, which grants them natural superhuman abilities. In 2004, creator Stan Lee recalled, "I couldn't have everybody bitten by a radioactive spider or exposed to a gamma ray explosion. And I took the cowardly way out. I said to myself, 'Why don't I just say they're mutants? They are born that way.'"

Due to their differences from the majority of humanity, mutants are subject to prejudice and discrimination; many X–Men stories feature social commentary on bigotry and justice. Their various antagonists have included villainous mutants.

There have been scores of X–Men (and Women) over the years. The six original team members were Professor X, Cyclops, Iceman, Beast, Angel (a.k.a. Archangel) and Marvel Girl (a.k.a. Phoenix). At the time of writing, the eight current members are Cyclops, Jean Grey, Synch, Firestar, Iceman, Havok, Forge and Magic.

© Haydn Thompson 2023